Friday, August 8, 2008

"C" from Riverdale

Great time creating portraits for this photogenic young lady! She was willing to try whatever I threw at her and added some fun personality of her own, which is the whole point! Managed to get the whole session in before the weather shifted from cloudy to bright sun and finally a downpour. Rain wouldn't have dampened our spirits though, as "C's" smile lit up the studio! Hope you & Mom had as much fun as I did! Good luck with all your senior year activities!

Friday, July 25, 2008

"M" from Richland Center
Not sure if "M" knows this but somehow we are very distantly related--have to ask our parents how, but still what a small world! Regardless of that fact, she was a great sport about trying out some new location shots and had great ideas of her own. I am having a hard time narrowing down my favorites but above are a couple of the fun new options! Hope you are enjoying the rest of the images, "M"! Good luck feeding the EMHE masses in the early am & tell Ty "hi"! ;^)

"C" from R.C.

This pretty princess was a lot of fun to photograph. She had a playful attitude that made it easy to capture great images--lots of them! With a smile like hers, serious shots seem kind of a shame, but she is able to easily pull off both expressions with great results! Enjoy the flowers, "C", but enjoy your images even more!

Friday, July 11, 2008

"J" from Richland Center area

Well, it got to be big bro "J's" turn for his senior session and Mother Nature decided to dish out some of her unpredictable Wisconsin weather. We managed to get a few outdoor poses before the rain cut loose but most of "J's" images were inside. I think we came up with a lot of great images of him, and although I selected this more serious expression for posting, "J" has an amazing smile (that's why I chose the serious as I had too many smile favorites). "J" you were a great help with your little brothers, and I know your mom & I both appreciated it! Best of luck this year with football (your class's turn to shine) and wrestling! Remember "BAD," as cool as it sounds, might not make the best name for your future line of airplanes...then again, maybe it would!

"Q" & "A" from Richland Center area

No questions about it, these two were adorable! Little "Q" arrived hungry, so so big bro "J"(next post) & I headed out to the play area for energetic "A's" session. Last time I took his pics, he wasn't as mobile, so it was fun chasing him around with the camera. He was truly in his element! "Q" was so patient with his shot at the spot light, although his radar was focused on Mommy most of the time. I think that creates special portraits, as a lot of the time mom's tend to be the ones behind the camera! These two definitely are going to keep their families entertained!

"E" from Waunakee

Took "E's" sister's senior portraits last year and was excited to get the opportunity for her session this year. Every bit as photogenic as big sister, we tried to give "E" a unique look of her own. After all, I want every senior to walk away feeling like we've truly captured his/her spirit, and in "E's" case I know we did! Enjoy picking out your favorites "E!"

"K" from Muscoda

Talk about a smiler! "K" had a great session with a lot of variety, including some serious looks that cracked his mom & I up. I took his image for a wrestling team poster last winter, but it was really fun to get to know him for his senior session! He was willing to try so many things & I think kind of enjoyed the spotlight. Hope your mom's vehicle is working better now that battery had a chance to recharge! ;^) Enjoy your senior year!